Baby Chicks for Jan. 2019 will be ‘flying in’ soon! Hatch dates are listed on our Facebook page, chicks should arrive 2 to 3 days after each hatch date. ALL chicks are sold as a first come first serve bases, other than Cornish and Turkeys. Important! They will be cancelled if I don’t have enough people on our call list one week prior to their hatch date. They will be saved for 24 hours only for those people on the call list. After 24hrs they become 1st come 1st served. Any questions please ask our staff.
I have over 30+ different breed-types of birds coming in! Reminder, Easter falls April 21st and is a good time to get some more pretty birds. We carry the most popular layers, including Easter-Eggers, Cuckoo Marans, and Plymouth Barred Rocks and more! I can also line up a rooster to come at any time with the breed you want! Be sure to call us and get on the call list!